2 Questions: Automating Cthulhu arps in Ableton and Serum sound design

Started by Ben_Friedman


Just got Serum and Cthulhu and I'm having a great time with it so far. So just like the title says, how do I automate the arps in Cthulhu to switch from A to B? I see a whole bunch of drop down options in Ableton but the only one that seems to work well is Device On. How do I do this?

Also, I was wondering if it would be possible to replicate that warm deadmau5 analog synth sound using Serum. Here's an example of what I'm talking about, but I'm sure you all know what I mean. If there is a way to do this without dropping ten grand on analog equipment, how do I deadmau5?


Hi Ben,
You can switch arp patterns using the lowest octave of MIDI notes (0-11) or automating the "pattern" automation parameter.

A lot of "analog" has to do with using detuning, e.g. knocking tuning off A=440 a little and/or subtly changing keytracking to not follow correct.  You might get better results posting in the Serum registered user forum as there's a fair amount of sound designers there.
