Create random WaveTable

Started by Nowhk

Is it possible to create a random wavetable?
Somethings like 128 different waveform, each with random form?



You can randomize frequencies in the WT editor (right-click in the top harmonics area) but there isn't a way to have it do this e.g. 128 times for you.

Any chance to get this implemented? Such drag and select how many waves you want, and with a click random them.


But there's not really a defined thing as a "random wave" - true random is noise, you can just import a file of noise to a wavetable. It just becomes various pitched buzzy sounds, all similar if the noise is generated at the sample rate.

I'll see about adding a random function to the formula parser, because that would provide some flexibility (you could randomize all bins, some bins, the actual audio signal).

I mean: random freq on WT Editor (for a distinct waveform) + random some draw shape due to the grid + do it for X bins. And so on :)