Double click to reset controls option not working.

Started by understar

CTRL-Click seems ok but I can't get double-click working.

Build 1.112
Windows 10
Live 9.7.1 64bit


You need to enable the function on prefs panel (Global tab) and save prefs at the top of the prefs panel, and re-open the Serum window.

Hi, thanks for the reply but I can't get it working.

I've think I've tried all combinations of setting and saving the prefs/re-opening Serum etc but no double-click.

I've also tried editing the prefs file but still nothing.


try deleting the prefs file.
instantiate Serum and enable and save the pref.
de-re instantiate Serum and verify the preference is correct.

If it is not working then most likely there is an issue with your double-click like it includes a modifier or middle click, try rebooting the computer and make sure no modifier keys are pressed.

No joy.

My mouse is unmodified and double-click works on every other VST/program on my PC. Double-click works on Serum, too, because I can enter numerical values no problem.

Here's what I'm trying….

1) Delete prefs file from USERS/appdata/xfer.

2) Load instance of Serum onto a Live track.

3) In global preferences click "Double-click resets controls instead".

4) Click 'floppy disk' save icon.

5) Unload Serum from track (not just hide)

6) Reload Serum

7) Check global preferences - "Double-click resets controls instead" button is lit.

8) Double clicking remains tied to numerical entry and additionally I've now lost the ability to CTRL-click to reset controls!

I think it's a bug.


Thanks, I wasn't clear that double-click was working for you in its default function.  this is resolved in the next update.