I find nothing in the presets folder

Started by Artistjer

Working in Cubase Elements 7 in Windows 10. Installation was smooth as far as I cold tell. The folder is in the right place Users/documents/xfer. The arp and chords folders are separate but the presets folder is empty. Also  do not hear tones when activating speaker icon in GUI.  Have set it up with Absynthe.  I set up the Chutuhlu tract, IN= Midi In/OUT=Absynthe and The absynthe track as IN=Chuthuhlu midi out,/ OUT=Absynthe.  Nothing. altho directly playing Absynthe does give me sound. Highlighted both tracks to play…nothing. Dont know what else to do….Either the installation went south, or I am not smart enough to set this up and am staring failure square in the face…

Sounds like the MIDI input is not set correct on the Absynth track.   Try inserting Cthulhu on an instrument Rack (not track) and then set the Cthulhu as MIDI input source on the Absynth track.  Make sure both tracks are record-enabled.