Possible to use LFO Tool to modulate Reaktor synths?

Started by WookSound

Specifically Razor, but would like to hear about success with others as well such as lazer bass.

If this is possible and works well I'm definitely gonna buy LFO Tool right away, some of NI's ensembles have seriously poor LFO sections.

You should be able to, yes.  How you would route MIDI CC to Reaktor is the only "catch", most hosts such as Ableton Live allow for this, but mention your DAW if you're unsure.

It would be on Ableton. Are there any tutorials on how to do this? I wanna see it works before I spend the money, or at least get some kind of solid confirmation.  A video would be awesome. Thanks for your reply!

It will work in Live.  If you want to also use MIDI notes you need to create a Dummy MIDI track:  From LFOTool, to the Reaktor synth track, monitor IN.

I'm confused on how to directly modulate parameters. Say I want to modulate the filter cutoff of Razor with LFO Tool. What is the specific routing needed within live to achieve this? I can't really find any good videos on it, although I'm sure there are some I'm just missing it.  Also, does LFO Tool have triplet options for the rate?

I don't use Razor, but in LFOTool you need to set the LFO->Cutoff in top right depth, and CC out # in lower-left.

Then on another MIDI track:  MIDI From: (track with LFOTool) and make sure LFOTool is selected in the rectangle below that.  Then if you record a clip / record on that track you should see MIDI data.

To pass that to another track (e.g. Razor) just set "MIDI To:" to the desired track and set Monitor IN.

Yes, LFOTool has triplet rate options, they are enabled by default [3] so just change the rate time and you'll see times with 't' after the value.