Reverb Filter

Started by CousinBen

Hey guys quick question about the reverb filter. 
I find myself using it a lot with the dry/wet knob at 100%. I love the way it colors the sound but there's a dramatic delay when you use it that much. Sometimes I wanna try another synth from massive or something to layer underneath but its tricky to try to manually make it in time with the synth running through the reverb filter. I've been experimenting with compression and track delay in ableton but I was wondering if there's a way to calculate the delay time and/or counteract the delayed effect from the reverb filter?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


There's probably two factors at play, lets call them perceptual and actual. 

if you're running it 100% wet then there will be some actual delay based on the cutoff (room size).  the most extreme (wet) delay would be with a maximum room size (when cutoff at minimum) would be around 6 ms for the first reflection.

 But there's also the peak reflection time (when more reflections are happening) which happens later.    You can run an impulse (single sample spike) and view/measure any setting yourself, but I'd say that sort of a thing would be a rule of thumb: ms = 6*(1-x) where x is your cutoff value 0 to 1.  In other words a value between 6 and 0 ms.
If you don't mind some "pre-verb" and want to match peak energy,  perhaps I'd make that value more like 100 instead of 6.