Serum demo is error !

Started by jjg12310

hi, I installed serm demo, but I have trouble problem . Serum has no skin (Black Skin that I can't see), First error is 'Alert - Could not find serum Presets floder', 'Most likely the floder has moved since installation. Either re-install.or refer to the documentation! Last location tried before abort : C:/ users/my name/Documents/Xfer/serum presets/Tables/' Second error is 'The attempted path is here : C:/Users/my name/Documents/Xfer/Serum Presets/Presets/Preset Floder Missing!.fxp'. But I can't find this fxp file and also I install first this time. I install, uninstall more than 30 times. Please help me. and how can I add photos??

Try moving Serum Presets folder from \Documents\Xfer to C:\