Where to get track feedback

Started by capitalsyn

Hello fellow producers,

I'm a beginner producer and I just recently finished my very first track (not my first attempt of course) and I was wondering if anyone had a place where they go to, to get feedback for their music.

I tried reddit but the sub is so big that it's hard to get any feedback. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Here is my finished track "Crapware":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC6GSQsqfJQ

And the one I'm currently working on "Sosipolis": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_TOs1MgqrU

Thank you for your time.


Good Morning first i love your producer name really original!!!

2) Crapware: I really loved so far a little bit in fixing the sfx, fxs before the "drop" but so far good

3) Sosipolis : Great Track too really like the Arpeggios!!!!  and the bass its good!!!

3) Reddit have different kinds of subs the first one i recomeeend to get feeedback is EDMproduction they are feeedback threads every Monday also in the sub WeAreTheMusicMakers are feedback thereads every Monday and also Friday!

Thats it hope this helps and next time please keep this questions for feedback threads!!

Thank you!

I really appreciate you taking the time to provide me with feedback and for pointing me to the right place.

I will definitely look at the sub you mentioned.

Have a nice day.